Sunday 14 December 2014

Typical Saturday

For me, a typical Saturday in London includes going to one of the many museums, then wandering around and ending with getting a drink at a pub. This weekend was no exception. We went to the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons of England which has to be the strangest museum I've ever been to. This museum was full of surgical instruments and dissected body parts in glass jars that was collected for centuries by surgeon John Hunter. It wasn't quite my kind of thing but Katy and Kylie enjoyed it.

We weren't allowed to take photos in the museum but I snuck one

We had to wear fancy badges

Hunterian Museum

After touring the museum we decided to just walk around and "get lost" in London. We made our way to St. Paul's Cathedral where we saw a wedding take place. I had heard of something called SantaCon which was happening all day Saturday. People dress up in Santa costumes and have a sort of parade where they basically go around London drinking and spreading Christmas cheer. We didn't participate because I only found out about it the day it was happening, but luckily as we were walking around St. Pauls, the parade had a pit stop in front of the Cathedral.

Next we went on Oxford street where I met up with Katelynne, a friend from school who is also living in London. I tagged along for a mini pub crawl in central London with her and her teaching friends which was a lot of fun.

On Sunday I met Lauren at Tower Bridge and we did some Christmas shopping. I love how I can just hop on the tube and see such historic sites - definitely something I will not grow tired of.

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