Tuesday 12 January 2016

Scotland - Finding Papa's House

October half-term was a busy time! Holly came to visit, and my friend Shannon (who I went to University and Italy with) moved to London and was staying at my place, so we had a full house in our one bedroom flat! The one place I knew I had to go before moving back to Canada was Scotland to see where my Papa grew up. Marcel, Holly and I took a trip to Scotland - Holly and I would stay the week, and Marcel would just stay the weekend.

We were staying in Edinburgh but spent our first day at St. Andrews as it was on the way to Forfar, where my Papa's childhood home was.
Cemetery in St. Andrews

We have a picture of my Papa visiting his house in his navy uniform during the war. He lived in before moving to Canada when he was a child. The only thing we knew was the name of the town, we didn't know the street name or anything else. Holly tried to look it up on google maps before our trip and thought she found what could possibly be his house. Going on luck, we drove to the road we thought it was and walked looking for the house. We found the one we thought it was, and knocked on the door hoping the person living there may know. The man invited us in, and took a copy of the picture of my Papa and couldn't believe it. It was pretty incredible that we were able to actually find his house, and I feel like our Papa helped guide us to it. I am glad that I got to share that moment with my sister.

After, Marcel drove us to Glasgow just to see the city as he used to work there a few years ago. It looked like a nice city, but Edinburgh seems like it has more to offer tourists. This was a horrible picture when we passed by the Tenants brewery in Glasgow.

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