Monday 6 May 2013

Beautiful day in Pescara

Day 6

I made sure I had everything ready the night before for our beach day in Pescara as we had to get up early to take the train. I woke up at 7:50 and quickly ate breakfast again and got my stuff together to leave. We were warned that the walk to the train station was at least 20 minutes, and the train left at 8:49 so we left at about 8:30 to give us enough time to get to the station. Maria gave us directions to the station, but we just walked the four of us so weren't 100 percent on where to go. During the walk I had to ask an Italian man and woman where the train station was. He didn't understand a word I said, so I said Pescara and he immediately figured out what I meant and pointed us in the right direction. Everyone is so friendly and always tries to help the best they can despite the language barrier. We got to the train station just in time and got our tickets and got on the train.
Pescara Beach

Once we got to the station, it was about 10:00 am, as the train came later than the expected time. We walked straight and passed a number of clothing stores to the beach. It was funny that everyone always stares at us probably because we are wearing t-shirts and shorts, whereas all the Italians are wearing sweaters and jeans because they think it is cold (I was sweating.) I wore my new fedora hat that I got in Venice which was a good idea as it was so bright and sunny out.

Shannon and I were the first ones in the water because we were both so warm, the water was cool at first but it got warmer. There weren't many people swimming either because the water was so cold. We all tanned for a while and then a bunch of us were hungry so we went and got pizza from a little restaurant beside the beach.


Margherita Pizza
After lunch we split off and Kylee, Shannon, Kelly and I decided to walk around to some of the shops. We went to Bershka and Pimkie, which are stores that I remember from my trips to France and Greece. I ended up getting a striped shirt from Pimkie, then we headed back to the beach. One thing I love about Europe is that the tax is included in the price, so what you see is what you pay. In Canada and the USA you have to add tax, so you always pay more than what you see on the pricetag. The rest of the group joined us at this time and we all just spent a relaxing day at the beautiful beach. At about 3:30 we decided to head back to take the 4:30 train, as the ride back was an hour and thirty minutes and we wanted enough time to shower and get ready for our dinner at 7:30. We walked back and stopped to get stamps (each stamp was 2 euros!) and we went to this awesome makeup store called Kiko, which had really inexpensive makeup. I bought a bright pink nail polish for $1.50 as my manicure came off. We got grenitas (creamier slushies) that were absolutely delicious and so refreshing after a hot day on the beach.

Watermelon and "Baby Blu" Grenita (delicious!)
We got on the train and had a nice talk with another girl in the Primaria group during the long hour and a half ride. Another great part of this trip is getting to know people who I've never talked to before. Once we got back got ready for dinner. First course was a delicious spaghetti and meatballs. Angela told us that the noodles were special to this area, although they just looked like regular spaghetti noodles to me. Second course was either veal or a plate of ham and cheese. I don't eat veal, so I got ham and cheese and there were some carrots and green beans which were good, and they gave us a bowl of salad to share at the table. They don't really eat a lot of vegetables in Italy I guess, because the portions of vegetables they give us are so small. It was Angela's birthday, so the chef at the hotel made her a tiramisu cake and we all sang happy birthday to her.
Our table we sit at

Spaghetti and 2 tiny meatballs

Angela blowing out the candle

We hung out at the hotel, and Shannon and I got ready to go out with some of the girls to the bar they went to the night before. I drank my Bellini drink which was yummy, then a few of the girls and I walked to the bar. The bar was not what I was expecting it to be, as it was more of a Mexican vibe than Italian. It was so hot in the bar, so Shannon and I didn't decide to stay long. We went at around 11:30, and it was happy hour so that meant buy one get one free!! I got a Rosinni (a strawberry Belinni) and a regular peach Belinni. It was nice to talk to the girls I went with because I hadn't really talked to them ever before. Shannon and I walked back to the hotel room and hung out for a bit then went to bed.

My drinks 
Sulmona at night

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