Thursday 9 May 2013

Lazy Sunday

Day 7

I woke up and looked at my cell phone and realized it was 12:00 pm! We were all shocked that we slept in so late, but we really needed to catch up on our rest. We got ready and walked over to the penny market to grab some snacks for the week. It was about a 10 minute walk, but we decided to go to the mall across the street before getting groceries. The mall was a disappointment, there weren't very many stores and the stores they did have weren't my kind of style. We went to one store that reminded us of a not as good version of Target's clothing, Kylee ended up getting a tank top, and I tried on a dress but decided not to get it. We met up with a few other people, and all walked to the supermarket across the street together but it was closed for the siesta and would re-open at 3:00. We were starving so we decided to get lunch downtown. We walked to a pizza place and were all craving some protein and chicken, so we all ended up getting breaded chicken and potato wedges. After lunch we went to the gelato place across the street and I got half Kinder and half Bacche which tastes like Ferreros. It was so good! We went back to the hotel to change and put some warmer clothes on as it was getting cool out, then headed back to the penny market as it had re-opened. I got some juice boxes, pringles, a nutella to go, apples, bandaids which I desperately needed, and a little cooler, which all came to about 7 Euros. Everything is so cheap here!

Nutella To Go - Nutella, Cookie sticks and peach iced tea 
We came back to the hotel and had a meeting with all the people in Primaria, on what we were teaching tomorrow because it was our first day in the schools. The group was feeling so stressed out as we didn't know what to expect or how to teach English to Italian children. We met with our advisor Jenny, and she put us more to ease by explaining to have more fun games and activities than lessons. Kylee, Alex and I are teaching grade 3 and 4 tomorrow, and planned lessons on body parts for grade 3, and animals for grade 4. Again, I am so glad I switched to Primaria, as the Media group has to teach British English which is more difficult. Tonight's dinner was lasagna, and salad. They don't have regular salad dressing here so i've had to use red wine vinegar which is quite tangy. Then for dessert we had gelato which was pistachio and some flavour I couldn't determine. After dinner the Primaria group came back to my room and did more lesson planning.

Best lasagna ever!! 

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