Saturday 3 January 2015

Tate Modern

The last weekend before Christmas break we went to the Tate Modern Christmas Market and wandered around the museum. The market was quite small and there really wasn't much to see but there was a really nice view of Parliament and we got to walk over Millennium Bridge (the bridge from the Harry Potter movie.) The Tate Modern museum was very different - I'm not exactly a fan of modern art and I really didn't understand most of the pieces but there were some really cool sculptures. I was disappointed because I was expecting to see some work from Andy Warhol, but didn't find any. After the museum we walked around the area and did some Christmas shopping. We ended our day in Covent Garden to see one last look at the Christmas decorations.

Tate Modern Christmas Market

Beautiful December day in London - note that we aren't even wearing coats

Covent Garden
The craziness of Piccadilly Circus 

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