Friday 25 September 2015

Abbey Road and £5 Matilda Tickets

I have probably said this a million times, but I love that there is an endless list of things to do in London. While it is very expensive to live in London, luckily there are some cheap options. Kirsten and I decided to get up super early on a Saturday and line up at 8:00 am to try and get £5.00 Matilda tickets as they hand them out to the first few people. We had to wait in line for a few hours, and maybe it seems a bit crazy, but it was worth it to get cheap tickets!

Something I had been meaning to do since being in London is visit Abbey Road to see the famous Abbey Road Studios and the scene of the Beatles album cover. While we had some time to kill before the matinee for Matilda started, we made a stop at Abbey Road. After having done it, I would not recommend anyone else try and get a picture on Abbey Road - it was just a frustrating experience.

What I was stupidly unaware of is that the road is quite busy, and it took a solid half hour for Kirsten and I to even get a picture of us without being run over by a car or having other tourists in it. I was ready to give up but we came all that way - we had to get a photo. You also weren't able to go into the recording studio as it is still used today, but there was a tiny Beatles memorabilia shop beside the tube station.

After Abbey Road, we got some lunch - something I had been craving since I was back in Canada - steak! I also tried an Aussie/Kiwi dessert - pavlova which was pretty tasty.

The set was incredible and I couldn't believe how young the children in the show were and how unbelievably talented they are. But Miss Trunchbull was the obvious stand out, absolutely hilarious! The only negative thing was that I had some trouble understanding them throughout parts of the show. You would think that after almost a year of living in England I would be able to fully understand someone with a British accent. Overall, a great day of indulging in some of the many great things London has to offer for someone on a tight budget.

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