Friday 25 September 2015

Catching Up - Somewhat

Life has been busier than normal lately. My summer was full of travel, and I ended up moving (again!) I really did like my old place, but living with seven people can be a bit much, so I made the decision to move in with someone special :)

I have really been neglecting this blog, so will try my best to keep updating it regularly and try and catch up with what's been going on in my life. This post is just some pictures and descriptions on some minor things I did on weekends after coming back from Canada.

We went to the aquarium in London - I don't remember ever actually going to an aquarium. My favourite part was the jellyfish changing colours.

Katy, Lauren and I attended Gelato festival in Spitalfields Market. There was a deal where you could sample 5 cups of gelato and then you would vote on the winner, there were some unusual flavours. My favourite was actually the mango sherbet. I had to stop after my third bowl, I was stuffed!

I wouldn't say I'm overly patriotic, but living in the UK has made me really appreciate Canada and show my love for my country. For Canada I decided to make brownies for my housemates and decorate it as the Canadian flag. I thought it turned out pretty decent!

Marcel had been working in Liverpool for the past month, so I took the train there for the weekend. Then we drove up to Blackpool for Saturday night, which is a beach town known for their nightlife, it actually reminded me of Niagara Falls with all of the mini golf and arcade type of attractions.

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