Friday 6 November 2015

Home - Round Three

I went home - for the third time for a few weeks in the summer before my trip to Spain. There is quite the dilemma during the summer - it's the perfect time to travel as you're off for 6 weeks, but during that time you don't get paid and still have to pay for rent so it can be really tight at the end of summer. I was lucky enough to be able to go home (again) as it actually worked out cheaper for me to live there for the summer instead of stay in London, plus it is always nice to be with my family and friends. This time, I wanted to surprise my Nana, so everyone was in on it we had this great plan on how we would surprise her. I hid around the corner at her house and went my parents went on FaceTime with her pretending I was in London. Then I snuck up behind her and it took her a minute to comprehend that I was actually standing in front of her. I think she was pleasantly surprised!

I got my Nana a wooden "shit stirrer" spoon when I went to see Mrs. Browns Boys live

My goal for the summer was to lounge in the pool, relax and catch up with some friends. One of my good friends was living in Calgary for a year and this was the first time I had seen her since before she left, my other friend has been in vet school in the Carribean so it was nice catching up with them. My other friend also asked me to be a bridesmaid and Holly went wedding dress shopping, so it was really nice to be home for all of that! 
No visit home is complete without a Wacky Wings trip for some reason

I flew back to London with Air Transat into Gatwick as it's usually the cheapest option. I even ended up getting an upgrade on my flight which was a nice surprise as I changed seats so someone could sit with their family. I got in around noon on the Monday of the 17th, and was flying to Madrid the next morning at 10:30 from the same airport. Since Gatwick is quite the hike from where I live, it was easier to rent a hotel room at the airport and ship my luggage to my house. I stayed right in the South Terminal in Gatwick and had my own little pod room. The standard cabin was made for one person, and you literally could not fit another person in there with your luggage as the room is 75 square feet. But it was the perfect size for me and helped me rest to try and get rid of my jet lag before my adventure in Spain!

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