Tuesday 21 October 2014

Art Gallery/Thanksgiving

Saturday was a crappy day so we decided to take advantage of London's free museums and go to the National Art Gallery. I think it is great that most museums here are free as it's made accessible to anyone and allows you to indulge in some culture without having to pay, although you do have to pay a pound if you want a map of the gallery.

I'm not much of an art connoisseur but they had some amazing pieces. I took pictures of my favourites, including some famous pieces from Van Gogh, Degas, Seurat, and Monet. There is also an upcoming Rembrandt exhibition in the next few weeks that we will be checking out.

Sunday was Thanksgiving in Canada (well technically Monday was, but we had to work Monday) and we were all feeling a little homesick but luckily we were invited to Shauna and Matt's place for a Thanksgiving dinner. Although my family and all my friends are back in Canada, I am so thankful for the people that I have here and all the support from family and friends back home. I couldn't have done this without them! During dinner we all went around the table and said something we were thankful for. Everyone mainly said they were thankful for this amazing opportunity to live in London and to be healthy and safe. While I am thankful for that too, I am very thankful that my visa went through and for the iPhone app "City Mapper" which has been a lifesaver! Without this app, I would for sure never be able to find my way around London or find the schools I've taught at. I was really glad to spend Thanksgiving with some great people and felt really grateful that Shauna and Matt had us over!

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