Tuesday 21 October 2014


My friend from home stayed with us for a few days as she was ending her 6 week backpacking tour around Europe. I felt bad as during the week I wasn't able to do much with her because I had to teach and would come home from teaching exhausted. She left early Saturday morning for a friend's place in Southern England, so we decided to go out on Friday night. Before moving to London I had heard that Shoreditch was a really fun area to go out in London so I thought we could check it out. We went to 4 different bars throughout the night, each giving a very different vibe which was great! I would definitely recommend that area to anyone who wants to experience a night out in London as there were so many options to choose from!

I only took two photos that night, one of us on the tube and another of Brontie in the last pub we went to. We took the night bus home, which was an experience in itself. Met lots of cool people throughout the night too. Loving the nightlife in London!

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