Thursday 23 October 2014

Poppies at Tower of London

A few of our friends have told us about the poppy display at the Tower of London and all wanted to go before the installation ends on November 11th. The poppy display marks 100 years since the first day of Britain's involvement in World War I. Each poppy represents a British military fatality during the war and more poppies are added each day. A girl I work with told me you could buy one of the ceramic poppies with some proceeds going to charity but unfortunately for me they were all sold out. The display was so beautiful and a really nice way to pay respects to those who fought for Britain.

We had been warned to purchase tickets online before you go as there is always a huge queue (I'm not surprised) if you wait and buy tickets at the Tower. I would definitely recommend going to the Tower of London on a weekday when I would assume it would be less busy and like we were told, to buy tickets in advance to save yourself time.

There are tours offered which is included in your ticket price and we all wanted to get a proper tour from one of the Beefeaters (Yeoman Warders.) I am so glad we did because I really learned a lot and the man we had for our tour was hilarious! After our short tour we went to The White Tower which displayed the royal armours, then in another building saw some of the torture instruments, including the block and axe that was used on Anne Boleyn. We waited in a long line to see the crown jewels and then ended our tour of the Tower with the ravens.

I actually didn't take many pictures but here are the few that I did take..

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