Thursday 16 October 2014


I named this post "Miss" because that is what I am commonly referred to by the children and staff when I am teaching at school and I hate it. For some reason it really bugs me to be called just "miss."

Anyways, last week was my first week of supply teaching, which was quite the experience. I started by going to the same school on Monday and Tuesday, it was about a 25 minute bus ride from my place and drops me off right at the school which is nice. I had a Year 4 class for both days (which is equivalent to Grade 3 in Canada.) There are some major difference between schools in Canada compared to schools in London. Basically every class has at least one Teacher's Aid (TA) most have two which is really helpful when I get in a class and am unsure what to do. They are also really helpful when I am trying to say the register (attendance.) I will usually get a student to help me with the register as I never know how to pronounce their names. This school is very multicultural so they have really unique names and I have no idea where to begin to try and say their names. Then they have a "dinner register" where they say if they are getting a meal at school, going home for lunch or bring a packed lunch.

Wednesday I was called to a school in more central London. This was my first experience taking the tube at morning rush hour - not a fan! The tube is like an oven to begin with, so imagine it being as jammed full as possible and it gets even more hot and smelly. Once I got off the tube I had to catch a bus to take me closer to the school. I passed by Big Ben and Westminster Abbey on my way to school which I thought was really neat. I taught a Year 6 class most of the day, and filled in for a Year 4 class before lunch.

Thursday I was back at School #1 in the same class which was nice as it was all familiar and I knew the students names and routine. Friday I was called to a different school, which was in the most beautiful building I've ever seen. The staffroom had a balcony and lounge and the classrooms were all  very modern and huge. I had a Year 2 class and a wonderful TA and loved it! The one thing I did find weird is that the children all call their teachers by their first names.  I had a few little troublemakers but it was a great day and I even went home with some drawings the kids made me.

Classroom at School #1

Staffroom at School #1

Year 2 Class from School #3

I am still finding it hard to get used to British terms vs North American terms. I came up with a short list of British terms I have encountered in my teaching and corresponding Canadian term.

British Term             -                   Canadian Term
Speech mark               -                    Quotation mark
Full stop                      -                    Period
P.E.                             -                     Gym
P.E kit                         -                     Gym clothes
Toilet                          -                     Bathroom
You ok                        -                     How are you
Torch                          -                     Flashlight
Rubber                        -                     Eraser
Register                      -                     Attendance
Head Teacher             -                     Principal    
And I still continue to call "football" soccer... the kids are not forgiving on that one. There are plenty more British terms I've come across but those are the main ones I can think of.

This week I was requested back at School #1 so have been working there in Year 3, 4 and 6. I spoke with the Head Teacher today and he told me that I will now be coming to that school every Thursday and Friday from now until June and likely for the other days of the week too.

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